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IC Socket Technical Information

Explanation of the Features and Mechanism of the Temperature Humidity Bias (THB) Test


What is the THB Test?

The Temperature Humidity Bias (THB) test, also known as a high temperature and high humidity bias test, is used to evaluate the durability of semiconductor devices, such as those used in automotive applications. This test accelerates the corrosion of metals by subjecting the devices to high temperature, high humidity, and applied voltage.

By intentionally applying stress to the test subject, defects that would typically occur over several years can be detected within a few hours. Compared to burn-in tests, which are performed at normal operating temperatures to detect early failures, the THB test focuses on evaluating long-term durability in high temperature and high humidity environments.

Features of the THB Test

1.High Temperature and High Humidity Environment

One of the key features of the THB test is the ability to test semiconductor devices under severe degradation conditions, such as high temperature (approximately 85°C) and high humidity (approximately 85% RH). The high humidity environment, in particular, can cause dielectric breakdown due to ion migration, making this test crucial for early defect detection.

2.Applied Voltage (Bias)

By applying voltage to the test subject, electrical stress is imposed on the components, accelerating the corrosion reactions of metal parts. This allows for the creation of short-term and long-term usage conditions for semiconductors.

3.Compliance with ISO Standards

The THB test is commonly conducted in accordance with international standards such as ISO 16750. This ensures consistency and reliability in testing, facilitating comparisons between different products.

Mechanism of the THB Test

1.Test Preparation

Prepare the electronic components and materials to be tested, performing pre-treatment such as cleaning and inspection. Select test samples according to the test’s purpose and requirements.

2,Setting Environmental Conditions

Set the temperature and humidity in the test chamber. The typical settings are 85°C and 85% relative humidity, recreating high temperature and high humidity conditions.

3.Application of Voltage

Apply the specified voltage to the test components. This voltage is determined based on the component specifications and test conditions, usually set within 80-100% of the rated voltage.

4.Conducting the Test

Test the components under the applied voltage and environmental conditions for several hundred to several thousand hours. During the test, monitor and record the state and electrical characteristics of the components regularly.

5.Evaluation and Analysis

After the test, evaluate the extent of deterioration and corrosion of the components and the changes in their electrical characteristics. Analyze the obtained data to assess the durability and reliability of the components.


The THB test is a crucial indicator for evaluating the reliability of semiconductor devices. The high-quality IC sockets we manufacture can withstand stress environments of high temperature and high humidity, exceeding 100°C. For any issues related to IC sockets, please contact us.


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